
Refund and Returns Policy

AVP Suite Cancellation and Refund Policy

You may change your mind, or your needs may change, and that's what our Cancellation & Refund Policy is for, although we would be sad to see you go.Your cancellation, return, and refund eligibility may differ if you purchased from or are billed through a third party (e.g., app store, service provider, retailer, etc.). Review your offer terms for more information.Our policy is independent of any statutory rights that you may have under the law.Stop your subscription from automatically renewingHow to stop your subscription from automatically renewing and your renewal charges?Before the day you are due to be charged, all you need to do is to:Contact us at support@avpsuite.comSign in to your account and then: It typically takes a few hours from your request for the change to take effect.Effects of stopping your subscription from automatically renewing: Add-on subscriptions: Cancel your subscription contract and request a refundYou may cancel your subscription contract and request a refund, under the below terms. Upon cancellation, you must uninstall and delete all copies of the software from your device(s).Annual subscriptions (one-year term or more): subscriptions (Year to Year renewals):

Add-on subscriptions (linked to a main subscription):

Main subscription contract cancellation: Add-on subscription contract cancellation:

Trial subscriptions (when a payment method is required to start a free trial):

Trial for annual subscriptions: Contact us at The request will be processed in a few days, and the refund will be paid using the same payment method as the one used for the payment, except as otherwise mutually agreed.Right of Withdrawal - European Economic Area countries, Switzerland & the UK only Exceptions to our Cancellation and Refund PolicyThe following purchases are not eligible for a refund under our policy: